martes, 8 de enero de 2008

El primer ganador de la noche: McCain

Basados en las encuestas a boca de urna y en cerca del 10% de los votos reales escrutados, CNN proyecta que John McCain ya ganó las primarias Republicanas. Le ha sacado cerca de diez puntos porcentuales a Mitt Romney, mientras Huckabee aparece tercero, pero amenazado de cerca por Rudy Giuliani y, ojo con esto, Ron Paul
En el lado Demócrata, con cerca el 10% de los votos revisados, Hillary Clinton aventaja a Barack Obama por cerca de dos puntos porcentuales. Lo único seguro a esta hora de la noche es que John Edwards llegará tercero. 

2 comentarios:

cataj dijo...

plop! el discurso. el imperio contraataca.

cataj dijo...

"But I promise you, my friends, we face no enemy, no matter how cruel; and no challenge, no matter how daunting, greater than the courage, patriotism and determination of Americans. We are the makers of history, not its victims. And as we confront this enemy, the people privileged to serve in public office should not evade our mutual responsibility to defeat them because we are more concerned with personal or partisan ambition. Whatever the differences between us, so much more should unite us. And nothing should unite us more closely than the imperative of defeating an enemy who despises us, our values and modernity itself. We must all pull together in this critical hour and proclaim that the history of the world will not be determined by this unpardonable foe, but by the aspirations, ideals, faith and courage of free people. In this great, historic task, we will never surrender. They will." fuerte